Focke-Wulf 190
About the FW-190
The FW-190 was first introduced in August 1941 and was used by the Germans during WWII. It proved to superior to the Royal Air Force’s Spitfire Mk. V variant in all ways but the turn radius. The FW-190 made it’s combat debut on the Eastern Front in late 1942. This aircraft was used as a figher and fighter-bomber. German pilots who flew the BF-109 and the FW-190 said the FW-190 has increased firepower and maneuverability at low to medium altitude.
History of the Erickson Aircraft Collection’s FW-190
The Collection’s Focke-Wulf 190 A8 is a replica built by FlugWerk of Germany. It was one of several new reproductions that were built from the ground up, using many original dies, plans and other information from the war. Originally housed at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the Focke-Wulf was acquired by the Erickson Aircraft Collection in 2013.
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